A.I. Took My Job… Yep. Content Creation.

What will there be left to do in 20 years? When the A.I. is complete, and the robots are built. When the factories no longer need humanity to assemble the cars, package the food, or fill the tanks. What then? The technology exists today. Not in 20 years. It exists now.

We are just waiting to be replaced.

That could take 50 years. It could take 5. For some, that future is too much to think about. It is terrifying for many, but fear has never stopped the steady march of technology, and it won’t stop it now. So what will we do?

What we were always meant to do. Entertain, teach, and create for the future. We will dream.

We still have some time left before A.I. will be capable of dreaming. They might replace factory workers, gas station clerks, and taxi cab drivers, but with all the studies I have seen about artificial intelligence, It will be many years before their consciousness reaches the depths necessary to dream.

Our dreams and ideas will still have value. Using A.I. and a lot of hard work, you can quickly turn your ideas into an income.

Content creation is one way to ensure you have a job in the near future. The same tools that are used to eliminate jobs can also be used to create them.

So many different types of people from all walks of life are finding success in creating content. 

Maybe you lost 60 lbs. with your diet and exercise routine and want to help thousands of others achieve the same results. Or you have a talent for video editing and want to showcase and sell your services online. It’s all about content creation.

But how do you become a content creator? What skills do you need? What tools do you need? What platforms should you use? How do you grow your audience and monetize your content?

In this article, we will answer all these questions and more. We will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to start and succeed as a content creator, covering topics such as finding your niche, choosing your platform, creating a content calendar, and monetizing your content.

But how do you become a content creator? What skills do you need? What tools do you need? What platforms should you use? How do you grow your audience and monetize your content?

In this article, we will answer all these questions and more. We will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to start and succeed as a content creator, covering topics such as finding your niche, choosing your platform, creating a content calendar, and monetizing your content.

By the end of this article, you will have a clear idea of how to become a content creator and what steps to take to begin your journey.

What exactly is a “content creator”?

Content creators produce and share information, inspiration, humor, experiences, and advice with a large audience, usually through digital content. Content creators use various platforms and channels to distribute their media to their target audience. Some of the most popular platforms for content creation are YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, Medium, Substack, and Spotify. It is possible for them to create anything from how-to guides to travel vlogs to fashion roundups to tech tutorials.

Content creators have different goals and motivations for creating content. Some of them want to share their knowledge and expertise with others. Some of them want to express their creativity and personality. Some of them want to build a community and connect with like-minded people. 

Whatever your reason for becoming a content creator, you need to have a clear vision of what you want to achieve and how you want to achieve it. This will help you create a content strategy that aligns with your goals and values.

What Kind of Content Creator Do You Want to Be?

There are many different types of content creators in the online world. Depending on your skills, interests, and personality, you can choose the type of content that suits you best.

Here are some of the most common types of content creators and some examples of successful creators in each category:

  • Influencers: Influencers are content creators who have built a large and loyal following on social media platforms. They have a high level of influence and authority in their niche and can affect their followers’ opinions and behaviors. Influencers often collaborate with brands and companies to promote their products or services to their audience. Some examples of influencers are Kylie Jenner, Marques Brownlee, Emma Chamberlain, and David Dobrik.
  • Bloggers: Bloggers are content creators who publish articles on their websites or other platforms. They usually focus on a specific topic or niche and provide valuable information or insights to their readers. Bloggers can monetize their content by displaying ads, selling products or services, or creating paid newsletters. Some examples of bloggers are Seth Godin, Tim Ferriss, Mark Manson, and Erika Kullberg.
  • Podcasters: Podcasters are content creators who produce audio content that listeners can stream or download. They usually talk about topics that interest them or their audience, such as news, entertainment, education, or personal stories. Podcasters can monetize their content by getting sponsors, donations, or subscriptions. Some examples of podcasters are Joe Rogan, Ira Glass, Michelle Obama, and Pat Flynn.
  • Vloggers: Vloggers are content creators who make video content that showcases their daily lives or personal experiences. They often use platforms like YouTube, Twitch, or TikTok to share their vlogs with their audience. Vloggers can monetize their content by getting ads, sponsorships, or merchandise sales. Some examples of vloggers are Casey Neistat, Liza Koshy, MrBeast, and Khaby Lame.
  • Photographers: Content creators capture and edit images that convey a message or emotion. They often use platforms like Instagram, Pinterest, or Flickr to share photos with their audience. Photographers can monetize their content by selling prints, licenses, or services. Some examples of photographers are Brandon Woelfel, Annie Leibovitz, Peter McKinnon, and Jessica Kobeissi.
  • Videographers: Content creators shoot and edit videos that tell a story or demonstrate a skill. They often use platforms like YouTube, Vimeo, or Skillshare to share their videos with their audience. Videographers can monetize their content by selling courses, memberships, or services. Some examples of videographers are Sam Kolder, Matti Haapoja, Jordy Vandeput, and Sara Dietschy.

Of course, these are not the only types of content creators out there. You can also be a musician, an artist, a writer, a gamer, a comedian, or anything else that allows you to create original and engaging content.

The key is finding content that matches your strengths and passions and can help you reach your target audience. 

How to Become a Content Creator: 7 Steps to Follow

You still with me? Good. If you made it through my rant about A.I. taking over the world and still want to know how to turn your ideas into cash then look no further. In the next section of this article I will give you a 7 step process to get started in a diverse and rewarding career in content creation.

Find Your Niche

Your niche is the specific topic or area you want to focus on as a content creator. It can be anything you are passionate about, knowledgeable about, or interested in.

Finding your niche is important because it will help you define your target audience, create relevant and valuable content, and stand out.

To find your niche, you can ask yourself these questions:

  • What are you good at or enjoy doing?
  • What problems can you solve, or what value can you provide to others?
  • What topics are you curious or excited about?
  • What gaps or opportunities do you see in the market?

For example, if you are good at cooking and enjoy sharing recipes, your niche could be vegan cuisine, keto diet, or Asian fusion. If you are good at teaching and enjoy helping others learn, your niche could be math, languages, or photography. If you are good at gaming and enjoy playing video games, your niche could be Fortnite, Minecraft, or Among Us.

Once you have a general idea of your niche, you can narrow it down further by researching. You can use tools like Google Trends, Keyword Planner, or BuzzSumo to see what people are searching for, talking about, or engaging within your niche. You can also check out other content creators in your niche and see what they are doing well and missing.

The goal is to find a niche specific enough to attract a loyal and engaged audience but broad enough to have enough demand and potential for growth.

Choose Your Platform

Your platform is the primary channel where you will publish and distribute your content. It is also where you will interact with your audience and build your community.

Choosing your platform is crucial because it will determine the format and style of your content, the reach and engagement of your audience, and the monetization opportunities for your content.

To choose your platform, you can consider these factors:

  • Your target audience: Where do they hang out online? What platforms do they use and prefer? How do they consume and interact with content?
  • Your content format: What type of content do you want to create? What format suits your skills and personality? How much time and resources do you need to produce your content?
  • Your content goals: What do you want to achieve with your content? How do you want to measure your success? How do you want to monetize your content?

For example, if you want to create video content for a young and trendy audience, YouTube, TikTok, or Instagram might be your best platforms. If you want to create written content for a professional and educated audience, Medium, Substack, or LinkedIn might be your best platforms. If you want to create audio content for a casual and conversational audience, Spotify, SoundCloud, or Apple Podcasts might be your best platforms.

Of course, you don’t have to limit yourself to one platform. You can also use multiple platforms to create different types of content and reach different audience segments. For example, you can create a YouTube channel for long-form video content, an Instagram account for short-form video content, and a Substack newsletter for written content.

The key is choosing a platform that supports your preferred content format and can help you reach your target audience effectively.

Create a Content Calendar

A content calendar is a plan that outlines what content you will create, when you will make it, and when you will publish it. It helps you organize your content creation process and stay consistent with your content schedule.

Creating a content calendar is crucial because it will help you:

  • Produce quality content regularly
  • Manage your time and resources efficiently
  • Align your content with your goals and strategy
  • Avoid procrastination and creative blocks
  • Build trust and loyalty with your audience

To create a content calendar, you can follow these steps:

  • Decide your content frequency: How often do you want to publish new content? Daily? Weekly? Monthly? This will depend on your availability, capacity, and audience expectations.
  • Choose your content topics: What topics do you want to cover? What questions do you want to answer, or what value do you want to provide your audience? You can use tools like AnswerThePublic or Quora to find popular topics in your niche.
  • Create a content outline: For each topic, create a brief outline of your content. What is the main idea or message? What are the key points or subheadings? What are the sources or references?
  • Assign a deadline: For each topic, assign a deadline for when you will finish creating and publishing the content. This will help you stay on track and avoid procrastination. You can use tools like Google Calendar, Trello, or Asana to manage your deadlines and tasks.
  • Please review and adjust: Once you have created and published your content, check how it performed and how your audience reacted. You can use tools like Google Analytics, YouTube Studio, or Instagram Insights to track your content performance metrics. Based on the results, you can adjust your content calendar accordingly. You can also ask for feedback from your audience and incorporate their suggestions into your future content.

A content calendar is not a rigid plan you must follow strictly. It is a flexible guide that you can update and modify as you go along. Having a clear vision of what content you want to create and when you want to build it is vital.

Create Quality Content

Quality content is the key to attracting and retaining your audience. Quality content is original, valuable, relevant, engaging, and consistent.

To create quality content, you need to:

  • Do your research: Before you create any content, make sure you do your homework. Research your topic thoroughly and gather reliable and credible information. You can use tools like Google Scholar, Wikipedia, or Quora to find sources and references. You can also use tools like Grammarly, Hemingway, or ProWritingAid to check your spelling, grammar, and readability.
  • Know your audience: To create content that resonates with your audience, you need to know who they are, what they want, and what they need. You can use tools like Google Forms, SurveyMonkey, or Typeform to create surveys and quizzes to collect data about your audience. You can also use tools like Facebook Groups, Reddit, or Twitter to join conversations and communities related to your niche.
  • Tell a story: To create content that captivates your audience, you must tell a story that connects with their emotions and experiences. You can use tools like Storyboard That, Plot Factory, or Storybird to create storyboards and outlines for your content. You can also use tools like Canva, Unsplash, or Pixabay to find images and graphics that enhance your story.
  • Add value: To create content that benefits your audience, you must add value that solves their problems or improves their lives. You can use tools like BuzzSumo, Ubersuggest, or AnswerThePublic to find popular topics and questions in your niche. You can also use tools like Loom, Screencast-O-Matic, or Teachable to create tutorials and courses that teach your audience something new.
  • Be consistent: To create content that builds trust and loyalty with your audience, you must be compatible with your content frequency, format, style, and tone. You can use tools like CoSchedule, Buffer, or Hootsuite to schedule and automate your content publishing. You can also use tools like Brand24, Mention, or Social Blade to monitor and manage your online reputation.

Creating quality content is a process that takes work. It is an ongoing process that requires constant learning and improvement. The more you create content, the more you develop your skills and find your voice.

Promote Your Content

Creating quality content is not always enough. You must also promote your content to reach your target audience and beyond.

Promoting your content is vital because it will help you:

  • Increase your visibility and reach
  • Drive more traffic and engagement
  • Grow your audience and community
  • Boost your authority and credibility
  • .Generate more leads and sales

To promote your content, you can use these strategies:

  • Optimize your content for search engines: Search engine optimization (SEO) improves your content’s ranking and visibility on search engines like Google or Bing. You can use tools like Semrush, Moz, or Ahrefs to conduct keyword research, analyze competitors, and optimize your content for SEO.
  • Share your content on social media: Social media is one of the most effective ways to distribute and reach a large and diverse audience. You can use tools like Later, Tailwind, or Planoly to plan and schedule your social media posts. You can also use tools like Sprout Social, Agorapulse, or SocialPilot to manage multiple social media accounts and measure their performance.
  • Leverage email marketing: Email marketing is one of the most powerful ways to communicate with your audience and nurture them into loyal customers. You can use tools like Mailchimp, ConvertKit, or AWeber to create and send email campaigns that inform, educate, or persuade your subscribers. You can also use tools like OptinMonster, Leadpages, or Thrive Leads to create and optimize landing pages and opt-in forms that capture leads and grow your email list.
  • Collaborate with other creators: Collaborating with other content creators is a great way to cross-promote your content and reach new audiences. You can partner with creators with similar or complementary niches, audiences, and goals. You can also join networks and communities of creators who support and help each other. You can use tools like Podcorn, FameBit, or AspireIQ to find and connect with potential collaborators.
  • Engage with your audience: Engaging with your audience is essential for building trust and loyalty. You can interact with your audience by responding to comments, questions, and feedback. You can also create content encouraging participation, such as polls, quizzes, contests, or live streams. You can use tools like StreamYard, Crowdcast, or BeLive to host live events and Q&A sessions with your audience.

Promoting your content is not a one-time thing. It is an ongoing process that requires constant testing and optimization. The more you promote your content, the more you increase your visibility and reach.

Monetize Your Content

You found a niche, you became an expert, you created content that solved problems, informed and hopefully entertained an audience. Lets show you how to get paid for your hard work.

To monetize your content, you can use these methods:

  • Display ads: Display ads are banners or pop-ups on your website or platform. You can earn money by getting paid per click or per impression. You can use tools like Google Adsense, Mediavine, or Ezoic to create and manage display ads on your website.
  • Affiliate marketing: Affiliate marketing promotes other people’s products or services on your content and earns a commission for every sale or action you generate. You can use tools like Amazon Associates, ShareASale, or C.J. Affiliate to find and join affiliate programs in your niche.
  • Sponsored posts: Sponsored posts are content you create in collaboration with a brand or company that pays you to feature their product or service on your content. You can use tools like TapInfluence, IZEA, or Linqia to find and work with sponsors in your niche.
  • Product sales: Product sales sell your products or services on your content. You can create digital products like ebooks, courses, or software or physical products like merchandise, books, or art. You can use tools like Shopify, Gumroad, or WooCommerce to create and sell products on your website.
  • Subscription or membership: Subscription or membership charges your audience a recurring fee to access exclusive or premium content. You can create content that offers more value, depth, or interaction than your free content. You can use tools like Patreon, Substack, or Memberful to create and manage subscription or membership programs on your website.

Getting paid for your ideas can take a lot of work. But its worth it. Finding what method of monetization will depend a lot on what type of content you are creating, what platforms are you using and many other factors. Use everything available to you. 

Keep Learning and Improving

Becoming a content creator is not a destination. It is a journey that never ends. The online world is constantly changing and evolving. New platforms, trends, and opportunities emerge every day. New challenges and competitors arise every day.

To succeed as a content creator, you must keep learning and improving. You have to be updated consistently with the latest developments in your niche. Continue to add to your knowledge and become the ultimate expert in your field. You need to experiment and seek advice and feedback from both your audience and your peers. 

This is why it is so important to choose content that you are interested and passionate about. Its a marathon and not a sprint. Few people will put out a couple of videos and become internet sensations. The truth is that it takes consistency more than anything to become a successful content creator. Don’t give up. Don’t allow yourself to get discouraged. Keep improving and you will get noticed.

To keep learning and improving as a content creator, you can:

  • Follow other creators: Following content creators in your niche or industry can help you learn from their successes and mistakes. You can also get inspired by their content ideas and styles. You can use tools like Feedly, Pocket, or Flipboard to follow and curate content from other creators.
  • Take online courses: Online courses can help you acquire new skills and knowledge to improve your content quality and performance. You can also get certified by reputable organizations or platforms that boost your credibility and authority. You can use tools like Udemy, Skillshare, or Coursera to find and enroll in online courses in your niche or industry.
  • Join online communities: Joining online communities can help you connect with other content creators who share your passion and goals. You can also get support, advice, and feedback from them. You can use tools like Facebook Groups, Reddit, or Discord to find and join your niche or industry online communities.

To learn and improve  as a content creator is not an option. It is essential for your growth and survival. The more you learn and improve, the more you create better content and achieve better results.


Content creation is a rewarding career that allows you to share your passion, knowledge, and personality. It also allows you to make money online and achieve financial freedom and independence.

But becoming a content creator takes work. It requires a lot of planning, work, and dedication. It also involves a lot of learning, experimentation, and optimization.

In this article, we have provided you with a comprehensive guide to becoming a content creator. We have covered the following steps:

  • Find your niche
  • Choose your platform
  • Create a content calendar
  • Create quality content
  • Promote your content
  • Monetize your content
  • Keep learning and improving

We hope this guide has helped you understand how to become a content creator and what steps to take to begin your journey.

We wish you all the best in your content creation journey!